Create a Custom Contact Form Using and Your WebStarts Website is a great form building service that allows you to create drop downs with custom fields, radio buttons, check boxes, file upload buttons, and more advanced features. When you build a website with WebStarts and you want to integrate some of these custom features, is the way to go and it is completely…

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Why You Should NOT Use Flash On Your Website, Part 3

Flash is simply incompatible with tons of computer users out there. Out of all the reasons you should not use flash, this one may be the most important because a lot of people on the web simply can not view flash. As a web designer, you always want your website to appear the same to…

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Why You Should NOT Use Flash On Your Website, Part 2

We're going to talk about loading times. Even though internet connections are getting better and better, websites are getting more and more efficient. This doesn't necessarily mean that sites are becoming smaller and smaller. This means that websites are able to use more things that matter like pictures and videos as long as the rest…

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How To Use Images On Your Website To Get Better Search Engine Ranking

Today WebStarts is proud to announce the another new feature to help your website get better search engine rankings. The newest tool let's you quickly and easily add ALT tags to each of your images. Search engines can only read text so when they encounter an image they don't typically know what the image is…

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Why You Should NOT Use Flash On Your Website, Part 1

Flash websites can be good looking if they are done properly. This is why many people are led to believe that they need a flash website. I'm here to make sure that you know the truth about flash on your website and why you should NOT be using it.

The first reason I want to mention…

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WebStarts Introduces New Video Player For Your Website

Today we released a new and improved video player. The video player is better looking than the old player. The controls disappear when the mouse cursor is moved away from the video and reappear when the cursor is placed directly over the video. This provides a cleaner and less intrusive way for your website visitors…

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Google Tablet Coming Soon

Yes. That's right. Just as the buzz about the long anticipated iPad is starting to settle down we're now hearing about Google making a tablet computer. Early reports suggest the Google Tablet computer would be an e-reader which also functions as a computer and will run the Android operating system.


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Google Says Speed Matters When It Comes To Search Ranking

On Friday Google engineers announced that Google will consider site speed as part of the formula it uses to calculate search engine rankings. Google's general philosophy is faster is better but Google says site speed is just one of the many factors it uses to determine search engine ranking.

The good news is... sites built and…

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Google Drawing Announced Today

Google Docs has a new feature to help you organize and collaborate your documents. The feature gives you the ability to create flow charts and append notes to your documents with a basic set of drawing tools. This is not to be confused with drawing tools which could be used to create original art or…

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"All Things Domains" Part 1

A domain name is a key part of getting your site found online.

The first thing I would like to address is the common question many people ask when they are building their first website. That question is "what is a domain name". The short answer to that is simple, its the name or address that you…

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How To Plan Your Website Using A Free Flow Chart Website

If you're like me you probably need a little bit of a visual cue when planning the design of your website. is a useful tool for building flow charts and a great help when planning out a website. Here's some step by step instructions on how to build a flow chart using

Step 1_…

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Convert Any Document To A PDF With Google Docs

One of the many great features of  a Google Docs account (which comes with your WebStarts Pro Plus upgrade) is the ability to easily create or convert any document into a PDF.

PDF's have become a very popular format for sending files to friends and co-workers because they preserve the formatting of your documents.In other words…

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Driving Traffic To Your Website With Social Bookmarks

What Is A Social Bookmark?

Social bookmarks are a way you can bookmark and describe a website and then share that information with an online community. Think of it as kind of a search engine for bookmarks.

For example_ Let's say you're searching online for a good decorating your home. You might go to a social bookmark…

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Does Your Website Answer The 4 Big Questions?

When it comes to selling on the internet there are 4 big questions your website should provide an answer for. If you can't answer these there's little chance you will get a sale.

Question #1:  What are you selling me?

I can't tell you how many times I've been to a website and not been able to…

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