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Why Is Website Speed So Important?

Studies show people will only wait seven seconds for your website to load before clicking the dreaded back button. It's hard to get people to come to your site and with so many options it's highly unlikely once someone leaves they'll ever come back. That's why it's important to have a fast loading website.

A fast loading website will ensure your visitors get a glimpse at your content. The more people who see your website, the more people you're likely to convert into customers.

To ensure your website loads as fast as possible it's important you can include as few images and other files as possible on each page and make sure those files are optimized. If you're not sure how to do this don't worry. WebStarts automatically optimizes your images and your pages to ensure they load as fast as possible.

Another thing that can effect the speed at which your web pages load is the coding technique. Some website builders rely heavily on communicating with their servers before loading your page. Some free and low cost competitors cram as many websites as they can onto a single server. At WebStarts we've created a hardware and software environment that ensures pages are loaded quickly and efficiently.