A common scenario that stops people from starting their own business and being successful in business is a case of what I call the "What If's?". This is when someone gets and idea for a business but every time they set out to pursue getting it started they ask themselves "What if?". Consequently they find themselves trying to setup answers and insurance policies for every scenario that could ever happen to them. In reality the "what ifs?" of starting a business are just an obstacle which will keep you from getting started.
In business there are just simply too many scenarios when starting a business that can end up in a disaster. What you really need to do is make quick decisions and realize there is a good chance the majority of those decisions are going to be wrong. And when you figure out you've made a wrong decision - rather than being prideful or stubborn, correct yourself and change directions. If you're willing to take this approach what you're doing is changing the wrong decisions into learning experiences and it's ultimately experience that will help you know what to do for a given situation.
The best thing you can do when starting your business is to realize there is significant risk involved and rather than focusing on solving problems you haven't had yet your energy should be spent solving problems you do have. And if you don't yet have any customers then your only "real" problem is figuring out how to get some.
One of the ways you can solve that problem is start a free website with WebStarts.com, upgrade to our Pro Plus and be submitted to the search engines. From there someone may actually find you.