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How To Quickly Duplicate A Website

One of the coolest things about http_// is the Designer Platform. The Designer Platform allows you to quickly and easily duplicate websites you've built in WebStarts. Let's say for example you're a web designer with a focus on creating websites for floral shops. You know it's likely floral shops almost all require the same information to be displayed on their pages. Creating these websites from scratch one at a time is time consuming and doesn't allow you to maximize your profits. With the WebStarts Designer Platform take a design you've already created and then duplicate it. You can then make the clone into an original work very quickly depending on how much content needs to be original.

Once you've created a clone of the original site and customized it -- it will essentially be a new website. Add a domain name to it and in a few minutes you've done what takes weeks or months with most web designers. Your clients will think you're a magician and recommend you to their friends.

If you want your clients to have access to make updates to their site you can do that too. The WebStarts Designer platform let's you setup a page with your logo where they can login and make updates to their website. You can learn more about the WebStarts Designer Platform by clicking here.