1. Get search engine ranking.
And when I say get search engine ranking I mean get on Google. Google controls about 90% of all the searches that happen online. When people type in keywords to find products and services like you feature on your website you need to show up. If you're not on the first page of those Google search results you won't be getting much traffic.
There are two ways you can get great ranking on Google. You can pay for advertising by signing up for Adwords or you can rely on search engine optimization to get good organic placement. If you opt to use Google Adwords you'll be paying a certain amount each time someone clicks on a link to come to your website. Google will give you an idea how much each click costs but they're not very transparent so be prepared to watch your costs on Google Adwords closely.
When doing search engine optimization it's all about the links that are coming to your website. There are other "on-site" factors you'll want to have in place as well but at the end of the day the links coming to your website with determine your ranking more than anything else. A good place to start is to optimize the things you can control. Make sure you're using your targeted keywords in your page title, meta description, and content. Once you've done that try to get other relevant websites to link to yours.
2. Include your web address on everything.
This is pretty basic but a lot of people fail to do it. You need to include your web address on all your publications. If you have business cards, brochures, letter head, etc. You need to include your web address on all of them. If you're running print advertisements you need to have your web address there as well.
3. Share on Facebook.
Most of the people on the web are hanging out at two places. The first one Google we already covered. The other one is Facebook. With over a billion registered users Facebook is the most visited website in the world and for that reason it cannot be ignored when it comes to how to market a website.
You an market on Facebook by regularly sharing content you've posted to your website. Encourage people to like and share your posts. Most of the times your Facebook friends will be happy to share a post on their wall if its interesting and you simply ask them.
Don't forget to put plenty of Facebook widgets on your website. When someone like s a page on your website is shows up in their feed and their friends see it. This is a great way to go viral.
4. Build an email list.
One of the most important things you can do to market a website is build an email list yet so few people actually take the time to do it. Email lists are like gold. No form of advertising converts better than email. When people come to your website you need to give them a way and reason to provide you with their contact information. Start by asking only for their name and their email. In most cases the less information you ask for the more people will provide.
There are some businesses where it's appropriate to ask for more than just the name and the email address but that's really all you need to send follow up emails. By sending follow up emails you're reminding your audience you exist and giving them a chance to come back to your website.
If you don't already have a website and you're looking to get online quickly and easily visit WebStarts.com to sign up and get one for free or checkout our Pro and Pro Plus plans.