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How To Auto Play Music On Your Website In this article I will tell you how to have music automatically play on your WebStarts website. With WebStarts you can easily add a music player to any webpage. You can even set the music to start playing when your page is loaded. Step 1. Login to your WebStarts account and choose to edit the page you'd like to add the music to. You can do this by logging in and clicking on the "Edit Site" icon and then choosing the page you want to edit from the drop down menu. Step 2. Upload the music file you'd like to play on your web page by clicking on the music icon on the toolbar. You will see the option to upload from your computer. Be sure you upload an MP3 formatted music file. Step 3. Before you add the music player to your web page choose whether you would like to have it auto-play and loop. Check the box for each of the options you would like with your music player. Step 4. Double click on your music file and it will be added to your page. You can drag and drop your music player wherever you would like it to appear. Click the save icon and your changes will be published live to the web. That's it. You're now able to have music automatically play when someone comes to your website. If you're looking for a great place to build a free website go to