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How To Drive Traffic To Your Website With Online Videos

In my opinion there is no better way to drive traffic to your website right now than video. It's predicted nearly 50% of internet traffic will be videos in the coming years. The beauty about video is the fact there are much fewer people that know how to make a video and put it online than the number of people who know how to write an article or blog. Therefore there is less competition to get found amongst online video than other types of content.

These days it's easy to create video content. You can use your webcam or your cell phone and there are a ton of websites where you can upload your video. Just make sure when you're uploading your video to include your targeted search terms in your title, description, keywords, and tags. By taking your time and doing a thorough optimization you're increasingly the likely hood your video will get found.

Don't forget to visit to build a free website and find out more ways to drive traffic to your website.