When you create a website with WebStarts, you may feel the need to use some of the documents you have created using Microsoft Office or other products. Some of these files may be created in .doc or .pdf documents. Since these files are not designed for the web, you will not be able to simply upload them into your WebStarts file manager and insert them onto your page. The best solution for this is to find a 3rd party hosting solution like www.scribd.com. This site is a great solution for Word documents and .pdf's alike. The best part is that you can use it on your free website from WebStarts. To get started follow the steps below_
Step 1. Visit www.scribd.com and sign up using the "Sign Up" link at the top right.
Step 2. Once you are logged in, you will want to click the Upload button in the middle of the page.
Step 3. Choose a .doc or .pdf to upload into your account and click "select". Click "OK" to accept the terms.
Step 4. Once the file is uploaded, click the file name to see the document.
Step 5. Once you are looking at your document, you will click the "share" button on the top.
Step 6. In the "Share this document" dialog, you will see where it says "Embed this document". Highlight all of the code in the box below or just click the "copy" button to the right of the box.
Step 7. In your WebStarts editor, navigate to the page you wish to have this document and click Insert, HTML code.
Step 8. Paste the code in the box by clicking the paste button or right click and choose paste. Then click OK.