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Does Your Website Answer The 4 Big Questions?

When it comes to selling on the internet there are 4 big questions your website should provide an answer for. If you can't answer these there's little chance you will get a sale.

Question #1:  What are you selling me?

I can't tell you how many times I've been to a website and not been able to find an answer to that question. It may be obvious to you what you're selling but it's not necessarily obvious to your audience. It's imperative to explain exactly what you're selling in one or two sentences. People on the internet move fast and you have on average less than 7 seconds to capture their attention. They want to be sure they're on the right site so don't make it a mystery what you're selling.  Once you've refined what it is you're selling be sure to put that sentence or phrase somewhere near the top of your webpage in big, bold text.

Question #2:  How much does it cost?

Just like at the grocery store... if a customer cannot figure out how much your product or service costs they're not going to buy it. If you're selling something be sure to make the price clearly posted next to the item. Some common mistakes I've seen are putting the price in a place where it's not clear which item the price belongs to and displaying a price in a font that is difficult to read or simply too small.
Question #3: What's in it for me?

By now your prospective buyer should know what you're selling, and maybe even how much it costs. Now that you have the customer's attention you need to explain what's in it for them. What are some of the benefits your customer is going to receive when they purchase your product or service. Maybe your product will your customers money or maybe time. Whatever the benefits are of owning your product or purchasing your service be sure to explain those benefits clearly on your website. One thing that's always seemed to work well for me is to list the benefits of my products in three or four bullet points.

Question #4: Why should I believe you?

Once your customers know what you're selling, how much it costs, and the price you need to re-assure them you're legitimate before they click that buy button and complete the transaction. There are many ways you can establish legitimacy in the eyes of your customers. Here are just a few.
  • Customer testimonials
  • Awards and recognition.
  • Endorsements.
  • Verifications seals.

One thing I like to do is include the visa, master card, and other credit card logos on any page where I'm asking for money. The seals are widely recognized and help customers feel a sense of familiarity with your website.

So there you have it. By answering these 4 simple questions you're well on your way to selling over the internet.