A call to action is that totally obvious next step your web page should be all about. Never trust that web site visitors are going to automatically figure our where to go on your page. You need to make a clear path for them to follow. The amount of information available on the web and even on one website can be completely overwhelming. Don't require your visitors to think too much to know what's next. Here's a list of a few steps you can take to ensure your call to action is completely obvious.
1. Keep it in sight
A classic mistake I see all the time on the web is placing the call to action in a place where the visitor would have to scroll in order to see it. This has become less of a problem as more of us have adopted larger monitors with higher screen resolutions but don't make this mistake. Try placing the bottom of your call to action no more than 700 pixels from the top of your screen. That way your call to action will be clearly visible to anyone using a display with 1024 x 768 resolution. (Currently this is 80% of the market.)
2. Make it look clickable
Don't try and get too creative when designing your call to action whether it be a link or a button. If you're creating a button make sure it looks like a button. You can do this by adding depth or just using a traditional HTML button. If your call to action is a link make sure it's a traditional blue and underlined hyperlink. Again, the point here is to not require your visitors to think.
3. Use whitespace
Whether you use a button or a link for your call to action you'll want to make sure it stands out on the page. Ensure your call to action doesn't get lost in the clutter by surrounding it with plenty of white space.
4. Use obvious language
Something I like to do with my call to action is use very obvious language directly on my button or link. That way if there's any question about what to do next - it's answered. For example_ If I'm creating a link or button I will label it in plain text "Click here to continue".
5. Make it flow
People are taught from childhood to read from left to right starting in the top left corner of the page and working down. So if possible you'll want to make your call to action somewhere in on the right side of the screen. That way they'll read sentence about how great your product is and the next thing they'll see is a button or link telling them what to do next.
By following these 5 easy steps you're sure to conversions and create a more fluid experience for your website visitors. Don't forget to make your own free website at WebStarts.com