1. Promote on Instagram.
In the last few months Facebook has opened up Instagram advertising to everyone and the results are pretty amazing. My personal tests show far more people are seeing ads on Instagram than in the Facebook feed. In 2016 I think you're going to see even more people migrate away from Facebook and toward Instagram as their preferred social media outlet. Don't be the one who's late to the part. Create an Instagram account and start posting to it regularly.
2. Market through messaging apps.
People have gone from using the telephone, to email, to texting, and now to messaging as their primary form of communication. It's time to start thinking about creative ways to leverage messaging as a means for communication with your customers and followers.
Messaging includes text messages as well as things like Facebook's messaging app. With more people having smart phones it's become easier to type messages on mobile devices. In addition people no longer want to hassle with composing and email to communicate. There are a few services like Sonar that provide services to help you send marketing messages.
3. Keep blowing up Youtube.
Youtube has been an obvious play for a long time, but with more TVs and second screens getting a more refined Youtube app, the number of people tuning into the Google property will be more than ever. Be sure to create plenty of video content and link back to your site to ensure you get the most traffic.
4. Amazon
If you're selling a physical product you'll need to do it on Amazon. Everyone is becoming a Prime member. That will continue to be a trend in 2016.
5. Give away digital products.
Last year it became common for marketers to give away digital content to keep you engaged with their product or service. For example there are many websites that will send you a free open source song, stock video, or stock photo. This will continue to be a great way to drive traffic to your website in 2016. If you're not sure what to offer consider writing an short guide about your product or expertise, save it as a PDF and call it an ebook.
Create your very own free website at WebStarts.com.