1. Keep your Instagram about one specific theme.
People like to follow Instagram accounts that have a theme. By narrowing the focus of the things you're going to post to Instagram you'll be in a better position to create a great looking feed. It's also preferable to choose a theme that's highly aesthetic.
2. Use the same filters on all your photos.
Instead of experimenting with all kinds of filters. Try using one specific filter so regardless of the photo you're posting, it will feel like it belongs to the theme.
3. Pay attention on how your photos look together.
When someone goes to your feed they're going to see all these little square photos. Visit that view often and make sure the photos you've taken work well together. Try to create balance in terms of colors and lighting.
4. Kick the odd ball photo out.
If there's a photo that doesn't flow with your overall theme, don't be afraid to drop it. By displaying only high quality photos your feed is going to naturally begin to look pretty.
5. Plan what you're going to post.
Take a few minutes before you start shooting and think about what you're trying to capture and convey. Having direction in your photography will keep you on subject and make all the previous steps mentioned in this post a lot easier.
6. Share your feed on your website.
If you have a website with WebStarts it's easy to share you feed on your website. Just use the Instagram app. When you link your account you'll get instant access to your Instagram photos and be able to choose to display them in several different ways. Instagram integration is just one of the many features you'll find only at WebStarts.