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3 Reasons You Need An Email Address @ Your Domain Name

1. It tells your customers you're committed.

Everyone knows Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and other email service providers will give anyone an email address for free. This makes your customers wonder you'll really be around in the long run or whether you're business is an experiment. Having an email address that matches your domain let's them know you're at least committed enough to spend a little bit of money.

2. It makes you more creditable .

To get an email address that matches your domain name it costs money and you have to go through steps to provide some information about yourself. If you're not willing to do that your potential customers are going to be weary. There are plenty of scams on the internet and I assure you most scammers will not go through the hassle and expense of registering a domain name and setting up an authentic email address.

3. It will help drive traffic to your website.

When you tell people or write down your email address people will see your domain name. Many times they'll be curious and visit your website. This helps increase the number of visitors to your website.

You can make a free website at and when you upgrade to a Pro Plus account you'll be able to register a domain name and receive a matching email address. The process is easy and the cost is low so go ahead and upgrade today and get your own custom, professional email address.