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3 Easy Ways To Keep Customers Happy

It's becoming harder and harder to win new customers. So what's the solution? Easy, keep the customers you already have. Here are 3 ways you can keep your existing customers happy and keep them coming back.

1. Be Observant

Notice who your customers are? How frequently they do business with you and the things they're buying? To know your customers you must notice them. Simply by paying attention to your customers you'll come up with more ways to make them happy and to sell more products to them.

2. Be Accessible

Put your phone number right on your homepage and answer your phone. Return emails to your company promptly and post back to comments on your blog on Facebook Page. Keeping an open line of communication with your customers is critical to the success of any business.

3. Be Responsible

When a customer is not satisfied always take responsibility and do whatever within your power to make the situation right. Customers don't like to hear excuses so try to take issues head one and provide complete explanations.

There you have it - 3 simple things you can do to keep customers happy and keep them coming back to your business. Another way you can get more customers and keep them coming back is by having a website. You can build a free website at