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Where To Find Free Web Traffic

I'm going to be starting a new question and answer segment where I'll be taking some of your questions and posting answers to them as they pertain to web design, internet marketing, SEO, and more. In the first installment I have a question from a guy named Billy. Billy wants to know where he can get some free web traffic to test the viability of his business idea.

Billy, like a lot of people doesn't want to make a big investment in advertising and marketing without first getting some validation from the market. After all - what if he's the only one who thinks his idea is brilliant. So he's looking for some places he can get web traffic for free right now today.

There are two places that immediately come to mind where Billy can get free web traffic to validate his idea.

1. Youtube

Youtube is currently capturing about 15% of the search market. That means if Youtube was it's own search engine it would be second in size only to Google. Who of course owns Youtube. One of the nice things about putting videos on Youtube is the fact there's less competition than say if you were creating another article or webpage to try and get found on Google. Videos are relatively easy to create but they're perceived to be difficult and so fewer people create them.

Your Youtube videos don't need to be high production to be successful. They can be something as simple as you reading your blog in front of a webcam. Almost everyone has a special talent, skill, or knowledge. Sharing that through video is any easy way to get traffic. In Billy's case demonstrating his product in a video and inviting people to leave feedback could be a helpful strategy.

When creating a Youtube video it's important to include a complete description. The best descriptions will be in natural language, include keywords and phrases people would use to look for your product or service, and a link back to your website.

2. Facebook

I'm not a huge fan of marketing on Facebook but for the sake of proving viability I think Facebook is appropriate. People come onto Facebook to share, communicate, and socialize. If you're able to provide them a truly interesting demonstration of your product they'll likely share it with their friends and leave comments. Those comments could provide you the feedback you're looking for when trying to prove the viability of an idea.

Articles and videos are great for sharing on Facebook. If you've already created your Youtube video it's a no brainer to share it on Facebook as well. This will give you the best chance of driving traffic, and getting some honest feedback .