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Don't Build Your Website The Old School Way

Are you building a website the old school way? If you are then you know all the technical steps required to get your site online. To create a website the old school way you must first have software installed on your computer. There are a lot of these software out there. They range from simple text pad type apps all the way to full blow web design suites. If you're using one of these software programs then you already know it must be installed on the computer you're using to build your website. Not only must it be installed but it must also be configured.

What do I mean by configured? If you're building a website the old school way you need to setup your software program to work with your computer or a web host. Sounds complicated right? It is. Many of these programs require you to maintain another program to upload and download your files with your web host. That software needs to have the credentials of your web host plugged into it. Then you need to know which directory to upload your files.

If you get past all that software configuring there's an entirely different layer of complexities that have to do with your domain name. You see --- that dot com you registered needs to be pointed to your web servers. How do I do that? Easy --- NOT! Again this is a complicated process. Since no two domain registrars are alike you'll need to roam around your domain registrar looking for the magical place you change your DNS settings. If this is too confusing there's some good news... You can call your registrar and they'll do it for you. Or will they? They might in the off chance you can find a phone number and get a hold of someone who speaks english.

Look --- If all this confuses the heck out of you like it does me there's a simple solution. You don't need any of the above headaches. Just go to , sign up for an account, and build a website. Everything's drag and drop so you don't need to know any code. With WebStarts there's no nasty setup or configuring your domain. You just build your site, choose your domain, and everything is setup instantly in a few minutes. It's that easy.