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Start Your Own Online Business With The WebStarts Designer Platform

Have you ever thought about going into business for yourself? Wouldn't it be great to finally make your own hours and be your own boss? Just about everybody these days is intrigued by the idea of going into business for themselves. The internet has become like a modern day gold rush with millions of people rushing online to start their own businesses. However recent studies find there are three major things that keep us from pursuing that dream of owning our own business.

1. Costs

Everyone knows the saying "It takes money - to make money" and this is the primary reason why most people don't venture out from the secure confines of their day job. The average cost of starting a business was over $30,000 last year in the US. For most of us this around a year's wages at a decent paying job.

2. Time

With the average family having two working parents, working over 40 hours per week, plus all the time spent sitting in traffic it's no wonder why many people can't find the time to start a business. To launch a business takes time and dedication people just don't seem to have left over after a long week at their jobs.

3. Lack of ideas

Many people don't start a business because of a lack of original ideas. They think if someone is already doing it than it's not worth doing. They don't know where to start and this can become overwhelming.

4. The solution

When we created the WebStarts Designer Platform we kept the challenges of starting your own business in mind. With the WebStarts Designer Platform you don't need to re-invent the wheel. There are already millions of people looking to get their website online right now. So it's a business where everyone needs your services and you're in high demand.

We made the Designer Platform extremely affordable. Where the average business takes $30,000 to start you can start your own web design business with a Designer Platform account for less than $30. And since you only buy what you need as you go along, and there's no physical product to sell you never have to keep inventory.

Lastly the Designer Platform takes only a few minutes to setup. And with our super easy to use drag and drop editor both you and your web design clients will be able to update and make changes to websites in minutes, not hours. If you're interested in finding out more about how to start your own online business with the WebStarts Designer Platform click on this link.